Some interesting facts about butterflies
As part of the life cycle of butterflies, the end of the larval life is marked by the final moulting, which gives rise to a pupa or chrysalis. Very often the larvae finds a special site to change into a pupa, and it may leave its food plant and burrow into the soil.

The pupa does not move, eat or drink and since it is immobile, it is particularly vulnerable to all attacks from a variety of predators, and often for protection pupation can occur within a silk cocoon. This may take the form of a small hollow in the earth lined with silk, or a roll of leaves. These silk cocoons tend to be more developed amongst moths; whereas butterflies pupae (or moths cocoons) tend to be well camouflaged, and the colour of the pupae case can vary depending on whether pupation has taken place amongst foliage, or on twigs or bark.
Butterfly pupae or chrysalides’ usually show cryptic coloration or disruptive patterns, which afford some protection during a butterfly’s life cycle from predators at this vulnerable stage.